While PixRiot is undergoing major feature development that may take some time to release to the public, there are a couple of notable additions you can use right now. Let's dive in!

Social Share

Until recently, sharing your 360 product view on social media using a standalone link wouldn't look good — neither the title nor the image would show up in the preview (e.g., in your Facebook timeline). Obviously, this didn't work for our PixRiot users.

Now, you can simply check a new checkbox at the bottom of the Standalone tab to get a link you can finally share everywhere. The social link will show both the thumbnail and the title of the view.

For example, see the image banner at the top this post with the results of our recent Facebook share using an awesome used car automotive example we uploaded to PixRiot (and covered here as well). This share is doing unusually well.

Cache Reset

Another problem our users reported was the lack of control over the CDN cache. As you may know, PixRiot is optimized for the fastest delivery of 360 product imagery, partly achieved via CDN (Content Delivery Network).

When you share a 360 product spin in PixRiot, users who load it in their browsers usually get it from CDN servers located in their geographical region, where the content is cached for optimal delivery.

But what happens when you re-upload your 360 spin in PixRiot? Well, the cached version would continue to be served to your users for a while — and that's the problem. You could resend a new link from the Share & Embed form, which would always work as we modify it slightly every time you copy it there to bypass the old CDN cache. Often, though, your client has already integrated PixRiot links you've shared with them, and resending new links wouldn't be ideal.

That's where the new Clear Cache option comes in. Access it using the time arrow icon in the top menu of the Assets view after checking the assets you've reuploaded that may have been cached. After clearing the cache, the old links for the same assets will get updated once refreshed in the browser.

If you are not familiar with PixRiot, check out this older video that covers the basics:

We hope these new features enhance your PixRiot experience. Stay tuned for more updates!