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3D rendered jewellery

  • Produced by Justin Birman
  • Produced and rendered in 3D design software

    - Rendered as a single "row" of 60 images (JPG).
    - Resolution of imported images is 1000 x 1000.

  • SpotEditor project summary

    - Skin is "thin" with toolbar opacity at 67%.
    - Uses a single set of images for initial load and zoom ("Create extra set of small fitted images..." is off on the Publish form).
    - Image width is evenly cropped to remove the white space on left/right to keep product view as large as possible when scaled on small screens.
    - Hotspot is configured as "Rotating indicator with hover-over popup on top" using Image Content for the popup.
    - Hotspot popup image "Max width" is 1.3 times smaller than the original for sharper presentation on HDPI screens.
    - Hotspot popup position is set to center-top with a 15px bottom margin.
    - Hotspot indicator is assigned "Outer pulse" animation with 1200ms speed and deactivation on trigger.
    - Automatically hide toolbar is checked.
    - "Spin images on page scroll" with scroll follow and smooth is enabled.

  • Related services

    - Optimized PixRiot ® hosting & asset management for WebRotate 360 Product Views.
    - Photo-realistic 3D product modeling & rendering service.

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